Letter to Dr. Biscet

Dear Dr. Biscet, Aug. 15th, 2009

I am writing to tell you that I am working hard, day and night, to spread your story and message, a message of courage, faith and hope, across the globe through a documentary film entitled, Oscar’s Cuba. I am not Cuban or of Cuban ancestry. No one directly working on the documentary is Cuban. However, we are all freedom-loving people who value the sacrifice you have made on behalf of your fellow human beings, your country and your ideals.

A year and a half ago, I was researching Cuba and those fighting for freedom there. I came across your story and situation. I was struck by your courage to stand up for freedom, human rights and, especially, the right to life. I knew I had to do my part to spread your message. Although our documentary is not finished, we have already touched many people, people who have never heard of you and know little of the conditions in Cuba, with your witness.

Because of the help of many people you know both in Cuba and internationally, this project keeps getting bigger each day. The opportunities to spread your message are endless. You have touched the lives of many, and will continue to do so.

God bless you as he continues to prepare you for greater things to come. Know that many are praying for you and that despite your current situation, your impact continues to grow daily.

In Christ,
Jordan Allott

Prisoner's Prayer to Maximilian Kolbe
O Prisoner-Saint of Auschwitz, help me in my plight. Introduce me to Mary, the Immaculata, Mother of God. She prayed for Jesus in a Jerusalem jail. She prayed for you in a Nazi prison camp. Ask her to comfort me in my confinement. May she teach me always to be good. If I am lonely, may she say "God is here." If I feel hate, may she say "God is love." If I am tempted, may she say "God is pure." If I sin, may she say "God is mercy." If I am in darkness, may she say "God is light." If I am unjustly condemned, may she say "God is truth." If I have pain in soul or body, may she say "God is peace." If I lose hope, may she say: "God is with you all days, and so am I."


(Letter delivered to Dr. Biscet on August 15th, 2009 by Jordan Allott via Elsa Morejon)

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